Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Korea Gets It Right

Let's face it. If we could have our way Freja would be on the cover of every magazine in every country, every month. She came close to something like that in August with her three covers, two of them for major market editions of Vogue, but September is turning out pretty well too...especially if you live in Korea.

I know from past comments left on this blog that Freja has a pretty big fan base in Korea, so good job guys. Way to have her on the September covers of two of your country's magazines. September issues are always a big deal, so I suppose its a coup (and honor) to be on two of them in the same market.

As for the covers themselves, I think Allure made a great choice to reprint a shot from Freja's Vogue UK editorial shot by Josh Olins. It's a story that I've come to appreciate more after I learned about it's inspirations. And seeing it in the actual magazine is amazing as well.

My initial impressions about Vogue Korea are less than stellar. It's a striking image for a cover to be sure, but like someone on tFS pointed out, Freja really does look like an "angry mushroom." But maybe this is an instance where the visual appeal of the cover model is sacrificed for the visual impact of the whole cover image; because graphically, that is a cover that would definitely make me stop in my tracks.

One thing I can say for sure is that Freja continues to show her range and versatility, all while maintaining the essence of what makes her unique and identifiable to her fans. It's a fine balance to be able to strike so well. Going from soft, delicate and gentle, to menacing, forceful and strong. Only a few models can do it so well, and we should all be proud that Freja is one of them.

Image Credits: book.interpark.com via tFS member SheilaM, libro.co.kr via tFS member P i e t r i n n

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