Monday, August 16, 2010

Is the "Freja" the new "Rachel"?

Apparently Freja's current hairstyle is all the rage. Dubbed "The Freja" by The Irish Times, it's gaining notoriety in the UK as well:
"The haircut of the season is undoubtedly the Freja, after model du jour Freja Beha Erichsen. The fresh-faced Dane sums up the mood of the season with her choppy, laissez-faire, shoulder-length style, which is given definition and volume with layers and texture, and cut using a sharp-edged razor. It suits pretty much any face shape and doesn't take much upkeep."
I also got a tip recently from one of you lovely readers informing me about a piece in Grazia (not online unfortunately) also touting the "Freja" as the next big thing in hair care. (Thanks Natalie!)

Since when did her hair become a thing? I always just thought it was messy and disheveled because she was growing it out and couldn't be bothered to deal with it. It fits her casual, effortless, just throw on some jeans and a t-shirt look very well. So it's really hilarious to me that it's now apparently become a style that other people strive for. I mean, just go to sleep, wake up and voila! Oh the irony. Maybe "The Freja" is the next "The Rachel." Yes? Yes? Regardless of my condescension, this is just another example of how notable and recognizable Freja is becoming, perhaps even outside fashion circles. Cult personality model indeed.

On a somewhat related note in speaking of things I find hilarious, I'm sure you've all seen the recent pictures of Baptiste in short booty shorts out and about with Karl in St. Tropez. Well, Freja was with them too, but she opted for Balmain jeans. I guess there's only room for one pair of booty shorts in St. Tropez...

Even though there's really nothing notable about these pics, I'm just happy that Freja's still in Karl's good graces. We haven't seen any work from the two of them in a while. Instead Karl's been working a lot with Natasha, and it had me slightly worried. I know not everyone likes Karl, his photography, and the work he does with Chanel, but he's been a constant supporter of Freja and her career, even during 2008 when things weren't going quite as well. It's just nice to be able to rely on certain things and relationships when everything else in the world seems so tenuous and uncertain. (Hello upcoming mid-term elections, high unemployment rates, and the possibility of another recession.) So I hope this means we'll be seeing a new editorial or collaboration soon!

Image Credits:,,

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