Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Random Bits: Architects and Smart Models

-Are you curious about the gorgeous location in Freja's current W magazine editorial? Then click over to W magazine's Editor's blog, where they have an interview with Lee Mindel. Lee is an architect and owner of the home in which the editorial was shot.

-Freja gets the treatment on "Models are Smart"

Models know zombie worms.

Models know acronyms.

Models aren't above being made fun of every now and then. Models are Smart is a hilariously brilliant tumblr that riffs off the long-thought-to-be-true-cliche that models are dumb. The author takes photos of models and overlays them with her own captions, making for one very entertaining blog. Some of my favorites:

The way the captions and the models' expressions line up sometimes is pure genius. I kinda wish I had come up with the idea myself....much like all the blog links under my "Hodge Podge" section on the right side of this blog. Oh well.

Image Credits: wmagazine.com, modelsaresmart.tumblr.com

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