Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Big news of the day is the release of the annual Pirelli calendar in Moscow. With Karl at the helm, is it any surprise that Freja is included this year? You gotta love him for being so loyal.

Back when the news broke in April that Karl would be the photographer, I'll admit I was a bit skeptical about Freja's odds of being included. After all, the Pirelli Calendar is about sexy pin-ups with a high fashion twist. And no matter how versatile I think Freja is as a model, the last thing that people associate her with is sexy pin-up girl. But no matter now, since Karl has managed to pick a theme that allows him to integrate all his favorite models into the calendar: Greek and Roman mythology.

And no surprise here, Freja plays the male roles of Apollo, Pollux and Orpheus. So Karl has managed to both exceed and let down my expectations. Exceed in the sense of his unconventional casting choice of Freja (and even Iris) for this calendar; let down in the sense of his trite role assignment. Freja in a masculine role....wow, never saw that one coming (rolls eyes). At least there is some unexpected gender-bending going on with Abbey as Castor and Anja as Hermes. I like to see models taking on new roles and challenges, and at this point I feel like Freja (through no fault of her own) hasn't been given much opportunity to do so. C'est la vie I guess.

Regardless, I am excited to see what the final images will look like. The images that have been released so far are really beautiful. They're classical in all the right ways, and everyone looks gorgeous--real, physical embodiments of the gods they're asked to play. So I'm leaving myself open to the possibility that I'll be pleasantly surprised, and that roles won't matter in the face of beauty. Your thoughts on Freja and the calendar?

ETA: Here's the first image of Freja

Image Credits: pedestrian.tv

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Stockholm Body Painting Contest 2010

We went to see Stockholm Body Painting Contest the 18th of October 2008 - Sweden’s first contest with international competitors and our very first Body Painting event ever!

Needless to say, we were very excited to find such an opportunity to see something so unusual, something we never had seen before.

The contest was initiated and arranged by the manager of Make Up Institute in Stockholm together with The World Body Painting Association.

The contest’s theme was “Human and Nature in Frame”, with both airbrush and brush / sponge body painting techniques competing with each other for the first price: €1000 of Mist Stockholm products.

There were twenty international and professional bodypainters from countries such as Sweden, Finland Holland, Germany, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Bulgaria, Poland, Israel among others. I don’t even remember, there were so many!

I remember though that both the ruling World Champions in brush /sponge and airbrush technique were participating. This was a contest with high class indeed.

With the thought of that the painting started at 9 o’clock in the morning (!) and should be ready for judgement at 3 in the afternoon, I’m really impressed by the painters and the models stamina as well as the amazing results!

The jury must have had a very tough job, because there were so many amazing body paintings to choose between.

I’ll start with telling you who came at third place: the Swedish Team Jarl, ruling World Champions 2008 in the Seeboden Body Painting Festival in the brush / sponge category.


As some of you might recognize, their bodypainting was inspired by the Scandinavian nature and mythology from other famous painters like John Bauer, Ernst Josephson, Carl Larsson and Staffan Ullstrand (a famous Swedish ethologist).

So many wonderful details, I love the back as well!


At second place came the ruling World Champion in the airbrush category, Alex Hansen from Brazil, ranked 1st in Canada at Color Mundo 2007 and 1st in the World at the World Body Painting Festival 2008.


This bodypainting model were actually the first one I saw when we entered the place and she instantly gave me the visions of a wild creature of the Amazonas. Very fascinating.


Such rich details. I’m so impressed, beyond words. Can’t stop looking at her! (One of my two favorites which I did tip as a winner).

…and the winner was: Australia! (I have no idea what the painters name is… If any one reading this knows, please tell me her name in the comments thank you).
UPDATE: We got the wrong information. The winner was Bella Volen from Austria (born in Bulgaria), sorry for that!


Another amazing bodypainting and I love the birds, but yet, no, this was not the one that I would have chosen as the winner.


My winner would have been this one below, because of the way the painter had chosen to take advantage of the models body, look how one of her breasts are the painted lady’s breast too.


If she did close her eyes, it really looked like she had a fox face and the fox is embracing her. I also love the male figure hanging on her back, entwined by the octopus. Simply brilliant.


It’s never the right one that wins, right? The jury were celebrities, which I never think is a good idea. Better would be to choose a jury of persons with a big knowledge and long experience of the subject - in this case body painting.

Mark Reid from USA was also participating - ranked 3rd in in the World at the World Body Painting Festival 2008. (See my other post with the video where he is painting jeans on a girl).

He was also going to hold a body painting seminar on Monday after the competition, as well as Alex Hansen and the very talented Einat Dan.

I recommend you to read my post Bodypainting Trips Tips about other Bodypainting events around the world to travel to.

You simply MUST see all Lifecruiser Stockholm Body Painting Contest 2008 Photos with the other bodypaintings and close up’s!!!

If you don’t want to see the overview, you can go direct to Lifecruiser Stockholm Body Painting Contest 2008 Photos Slideshow.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bikini in the Body Painting

bikini in the  body painting

Beautiful woman wearing bikini body painting. You may be upset to see it. note, this body of paintings that is perfect and unique. This painting is not tattoo
Model body  painting  with a bicycle

Model body painting with a bicycle

Sports sexy women athletes. Model body painting with a bicycle

Art of makeup and body painting

art of  makeup and body  painting

Art of makeup and body painting

The Beauty of Body Painting Art

Since the beginning of time, humans have always had the desire to create art. Through this desire body painting was born, making the human body the first canvass. The history of this craft stretches so far back that historians consider it to be the earliest form of art. Compared to other types of body art like tattoos or piercing, this is impermanent. It lasts only for a few hours at most.

The Body Paint ArtThe Body Paint Art

During the ancient times, tribes would often use this during celebrations and important ceremonies. Each color had its own corresponding meaning. Chieftains and warriors commonly had their own styles to indicate their status in the tribe. Around the 12th century, a new kind of body painting known as the Mehendi became popular. The Mehendi is an extremely old ritual that originated from Egypt. It is the art of using henna to paint the body. This type of dye usually lasts a little longer, about a 1-2 weeks before fading. Natives of South America also had their own methods of ornamenting their bodies. They would use wet charcoal also known as huito. Like henna, huito is also semi-permanent lasting for a few weeks.

The Body Paint ArtThe Body Paint Art

In today's modern era, this has become a way of self-expression. This has been spurred on by the liberality of modern society. If before nudity was deemed by society as inappropriate and improper, now it is something to be flaunted. In the guise of self-expression and the practice of human freedom, this has become a means of grabbing the public's attention. This is especially effective during protests and rallies. Instead of bringing placards and sign boards, the protesters would instead paint on themselves.

The Body Paint ArtThe Body Paint Art

The art of body painting can morph a human being into a beautiful work of art. It can make a statement that words alone cannot express, create a more appealing presentation, and add meaning and significance to an important occasion. It is used not only for the living, but also to preserve the dead. Truly it has attained world wide significance that will last till the end of time.

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Dragon Body Painting On Women Body

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Dragon Body Painting On Women Body

Dragon Body Painting On Women Body
Dragon Body Painting On Women Body

Dragon Body Painting On Women BodyDragon Body Painting On Women Body

If you are like most people, including myself a few years ago, you may well have begun your search for a cute dragon tattoo design by searching for it in Google, or yahoo or whatever your favourite search engine is. This is the logical first step, right? Well sadly, as I found out the hard way, it isn't ...

You see, the problem is that when you conduct a search in a search engine, it scans the text on the site, checks back links and other content to analyze which are the best pages to show you based on what you search for. This would be great if you were looking for information about cute dragon tattoos, but your not. Search engines aren't yet smart enough to be able to look at a tattoo design on the internet, assess it's originality, creativity and quality and personally I doubt that they ever will be.

Even when you do an image search for tattoo designs, they tend to favour older pages and images, and therefore keep throwing up the same old designs over and over again for years. So any tattoo designs that you do find using this method will have been seen and used by millions of other people. And if you are anything like me, this definitely isn't what getting a tattoo is all about.

So where can you find original, creative, well designed tattoos on the internet?

Well, the answer to that question may surprise you a little because it isn't what most people would expect. But, the truth is that the best place to begin your search for a great cute dragon tattoo design is in fact in some of the larger tattoo forums that have sprung up around the internet in recent years. The reason why these are such great resources for finding great tattoo designs is because they are frequented by tattoo artists who like to upload their latest designs, so there is always fresh content, and also many of the users like to share links to new designs and sites that they have found. Also, if you head over to their archive section you will find tons of links to great online tattoo art galleries that you wont find in the search engines.

So if you are looking for that perfect cute dragon tattoo, forget about the search engines and head over to the forums and online tattoo art galleries!

Sexy Girls Body Paint Art Pictures

Sexy Girls Body Paint Art Pictures sexy girls body paint art painted body. Painted sexy body of some beautiful girls are presented here. These are all just art........sexy body is not the purpose. With the beautiful paint and artistic thought girls body become more beautiful. Watch and enjoy beauty girls sexy body art paintings.

Sexy Girls Body Paint Art Pictures sexy body paint art girls painted body

Sexy Girls Body Paint Art Pictures sexy girls body paint art painted body. The same body art girls picture is used here just to enable you to see large view of this bodyart image. Click to view full size.

Sexy Girls Body Paint Art Pictures hot girls body paint art painted body bra butterfly art. Don't forget to rate, comment and subscribe on Human body art paintings. Good Luck.

Interview with painted model Bethany Dempsey

Body Art Swimsuit Model Bethany Dempsey Body Paintings Pictures bodyart Bethany Dempsey.

How long did it take?
I think it actually took around 15 hours (just the painting).

Body Art Swimsuit Model Bethany Dempsey Body Paintings Pictures hot bodyart paint Bethany Dempsey.

What did you do to stave off boredom while you were being painted?
Normally I am chasing around a one-year-old and doing a million things, so it was actually kind of nice to have nothing to do but sit still. We also listened to a lot of music and just chatted so it didn't seem boring.

Body Art Swimsuit Model Bethany Dempsey Body Paintings Pictures Bethany Dempsey Body photography

Do you feel naked when the paint is on?
You don't feel naked, because you look in the mirror and it looks like you are wearing a swimsuit. The detailing is amazing.
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Body Art Swimsuit Model Bethany Dempsey Body Paintings Pictures body paint Bethany Dempsey

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Body Art Swimsuit Model Bethany Dempsey Body Paintings Pictures Bodyart Swimsuit Body Paintings
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