Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fashionable Early

Freja has already showed up in Paris! I thought we wouldn't see her until Balenciaga tomorrow morning, but she decided to start early by walking the Gareth Pugh show today. Pugh is one of the most talked about young designers and protege of Rick Owen's wife, Michele Lamy. So I guess this runway appearance isn't completely surprising considering that a) Freja walked the Rick Owens show last season, b) she's in high demand this season and c) Gareth was exploring androgyny for this collection.

I'm so excited now that the Paris shows have started. There are good shows to look forward to every single day so this next week is going to fly by. It will also be interesting to see what happens casting wise. Rumor has it some of the bigger name girls who have been absent thus far will return to walk the Parisian catwalks. So where does this leave all the newer models and the models like Freja? And will Paris debut some new girls heretofore unseen?

The model enthusiast in me can't wait for all the drama to unfold.

Image Credits: via tFS member Nils

Fashionably Late

So as I was watching the Pucci runway video from this season, I noticed something kind of strange. Freja was late in coming out for both of her looks, and during the final walk she was looking down at her feet (look 1 at 1:00, look 2 at 5:20 and final walk at 8:30). This was strange to me because she's usually so consistent and steadfast on the runway. She hasn't fallen yet (fingers crossed, knock on wood) and the only times I can remember her breaking stride were during the Miu Miu FW0809 show and the Chanel FW0708 show when she had little trips.

I guess I'm just curious as to what was happening backstage during the show. Were the outfit changes too close? If you watch the whole video you'll notice the pacing of the entire show was off and many other girls were late in coming out. There were a lot of long pauses and you can see the audience looking restless and confused.

Maybe the venue is to blame? I know the runway path there isn't just a straight walk, contrary to what the video would have you believe. I'm pretty sure the girls come out in another room and pose for photographers, then make a few turns before entering the runway we see above. Or maybe it was the shoes? Although they don't look particularly difficult to walk in, but looks can be deceiving.

I know I'm being a little nit-picky, but I just hope this doesn't affect Freja's Pucci booking next season. She still looked amazing at the show. I think we all know that no one else can pull off a mini-dress the way Freja and her mile long legs can.

Image Credits:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I just wanted to do a little update on this old post. Freja was in a small feature about Copenhagen designers in the September issue of V Magazine. I noticed that the feature was styled and shot by her model friends Sheila Marquez and Christian Brylle, moonlighting as stylist and photographer respectively. I also saw the name Lasse Pederson next to the hair and makeup credits, and just assumed that was in reference to red-headed, male model Lasse Pederson.

Well, I was totally wrong and it's a case of common name. Lasse Pederson also happens to be the name of a Denmark based hair and makeup artist. Here is a link to his website where you can see pictures of his beautiful and natural work. If you're a fan of Mathias, Agnete and other Danish models, definitely check it out because you'll find them there. Sadly, no more Freja pictures; but when you can look at other beautiful things it's never really a sad situation.

Anyway, I hope you all are getting excited for Paris! You better savor it because it will all be over in about a week...until February when this craziness picks back up again. :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Look Backstage

One of the best parts about fashion month, aside from all the collections, is all the backstage videos we get to see. I personally think the chaos backstage with all the models, dressers, hairdressers, makeup artists and photographers is so interesting. It's amazing to me that from all that insanity emerges a tight, calm, controlled presentation of clothes down the runway. Anyway, we haven't even hit Paris yet, but backstage videos are starting to emerge.

In this one from Derek Lam, you can see Freja from roughly 0:45 to 0:55 talking to Magdalena and Eniko, being quite expressive with her gestures. Nice to see the girls have remained on friendly terms after shooting this editorial together. It was rather intimate so I imagine they got to know each other quite well.

As the shows eventually come to a close next week, at least we'll have more backstage videos like this to look forward to.

Milan Recap

The shows just keep coming at a breakneck pace that I can hardly keep up with them all...not that I'm complaining. Milan isn't finished yet, but Freja has finished with Milan and is off to Paris most likely as we speak. With three cities down and only one to go, fashion month has flown by. Here is the breakdown of Freja's showing in Milan to help you keep track of it all.

Milan Fashion Week SS10 - 9 Shows Total
0 Opening Slots
1 Closing Slot

Emilio Pucci - 2 Looks
Etro - 2 Looks
Fendi - 2 Looks
Gucci (O) - 3 Looks
Marni - 3 Looks
Max Mara - 2 Looks
Prada - 2 Looks
Roberto Cavalli - 2 Looks
Versace - 2 Looks

Freja announced her arrival in Milan by walking the Prada show on the second day. I was happy to see her there, as Prada casting this year was especially unpredictable. Gone were perennial favs like Sasha and Marina. In their place we had Lindsey Wixson (no comment) and a slew of other new girls like Bregje Heinen, Lisanne de Jong, and Keke Lindgard.

On friday we saw Freja walk in the Versace show once again after being absent from it the past two seasons. She doesn't immediately seem like the stereotypical Versace woman, but Freja actually fits the show's aesthetic quite nicely. It must be those legs that go on for days. And like I've said before, she glams up quite well.

Saturday was by far the busiest day for Freja this fashion season. She started the day off surprisingly by walking Max Mara, a show she hasn't done since the beginning of her career, and only once at that. Then she walked down Roberto Cavalli's catwalk as expected. As one of the current Gucci campaign girls, she of course walked the show and closed it in style. Freja then ended the day with two looks at Emilio Pucci. Just take a look below at the transformation she goes through from show to show. It's quite amazing that it all happens within the span of a few hours.

Sunday was another busy (and early) day. I think we all love seeing sleepy Freja pictures from Marni, so maybe we'll get some more this season as Freja had three looks in the show. She then went on to walk for Karl at Fendi. I'm so glad their relationship remains strong and dependable. Freja's last show in Milan was at Etro, a show that she's walked on and off during her career.

Overall a very strong showing in the city I consider the hardest to walk as a model. Castings are selective and unpredictable, but generally unforgiving if you're not white and you don't have a lot of buzz surrounding you. We're off to Paris now, but I don't think we'll see Freja until Thursday at Balenciaga. Then, hopefully all the usuals like Balmain, Chanel, Dries, Chloe, Miu Miu, etc.

If I really had my way though, we'd see her walk Ann Demeulemeester and Givenchy. What about you?

Image Credits:

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dressing the Part

We've seen lots of candid shots of Freja in her own street style this season. She has basic yet impeccable taste in her choice of off-duty garb. And one thing's for sure, when Freja finds something that works for her and that she likes, she sticks to it! Case in point:

Notice the monochromatic color palette consisting mostly of black? She rarely strays away from a few basic pieces, and I think this is due to two things. First, she's always had an easy, casual, no-fuss style going back to the beginning of her career. Yes, her appearance has changed somewhat, but if you look at the basic premise of her street style it's essentially the same. She doesn't clamor over the latest in designer wear and trends, but she's not sloppy or unkempt either. Her style approach is similar to her modeling approach in that it's organic and doesn't feel contrived. Second, I would imagine Freja has to pack pretty lightly given that she's traveling in between four cities around the world within the span of 30 days. Circumstances like this don't warrant one packing an outfit for everyday of the week.

I'm such a sucker for street style...especially model street style. Models look good in anything and I can't figure out if it's because of their body proportions, or because they've picked up good styling tips from being on the job. It's probably a combination of both. Anyway, I have to admit that Freja's isn't my absolute favorite model style, but I do like it and I think she dresses well and dresses to match her personality. Her style is very real and you get the sense that she would dress like this even if she weren't a model. However, lest you be fooled, looking so casual and effortless doesn't come without a price. I'll break it down for you from head to toe:

T by Alexander Wang, $80 each at

Rick Owens Leather Draped Jacket, $2,605 at (yes, I know Freja's isn't an actual RO, but it's very Rick Owens-esque)

Acne Kex Smooth Skinny Jeans in Black, $250 at

Alexander Wang Black Donna Hobo, $790 but sold out everywhere

Dior Homme Sneakers, $904 at

Total Cost: $4,719

What's great about Freja's style is that it's simple but luxurious at the same time. Speaking from experience, those Alexander Wang tees are some of the softest things you can put against your skin. And Acne jeans do really fit perfectly. However, don't let these prices get you down. Another plus about Freja's style is that you can emulate it at a much lower price point. It's simultaneously unattainable and accessible; fitting for a girl who's both feminine and androgynous, high fashion and mass market, hard-working and aloof. The more I write about Freja the more I begin to see that she's entirely comprised of a bunch of interesting contradictions.

Anyway, just in case anyone wants to do some saturday shopping:

Perfect Tees, $12.50 on sale for $10 at

Black Leather Draped Jacket, $263 at

Levi's Skinny Jeans, $35 at

Dylan Small Messenger Bag, $348 on sale for $208 at

Diesel Sneakers, $90 at

Total Cost: $606

Much better, right? Although I'd still kill for that A Wang bag and RO jacket... :)

Image Credits:,, facebook/luisaviaroma, zimbio, bwchic.wordpress, altamira,blogspot,

Friday, September 25, 2009

A Picture to End the Week

The shows in Milan are going strong and we have a packed weekend schedule to look forward to. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted from the week and so glad it's friday. So I thought this would be the perfect picture to illustrate the relaxed ease I'm in now that it's the weekend. That sly smile Freja has on her face is the same one I have on mine, knowing I don't have to work tomorrow. Now I can finally catch up on shows and check out all the new girls creating buzz. Definitely gotta go back to that Prada cast that still has me scratching my head...

Image Credits: sonnyphotos

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Prada and Milan

Freja walked Prada today as expected:

Unexpectedly, Sasha and Ymre (who was assumed to be Muiccia's current favorite) did not. Iselin made a return and the rest of the cast (minus Lara and Natasha) was full of new names and up-and-comers including Mirte Maas, the beauty who opened the Alexander Wang show and who had an impeccable New York showlist. Also unexpectedly, two Asian models and one black model walked the show. This is a big departure, albeit a good one, for Prada in that it has never been known for racial diversity on it's runway.

Miilan has officially begun! It's only day two and we're already shaking things up. Now let's see if the other shows will follow suit.

Image Credits: catwalking via tFS member Nils, fashionologie
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